So O-Week came and went!
And then the real work started! We were introduced to the six subjects we would devote ourselves to for the next few months! They were:
ACC -Accounting
OBPPD - Oganisational Behaviour and Personal and Professional Development
EOS - Economics of Organisations & Strategy
SDS - Strategic Decision Science
MKT - Marketing
OSC - Operation & the Supply Chain
LANG - Languages
Accounting was a bit scary to start with, since I had never done any accounting related work before. However, the accounting Professor is really dedicated to the subject and there are online features to the book and course which are really helpful!
OBPPD (or OB for short) is a really interesting and rewarding subject - you learn more about yourself and your learning team members than you would think possible. I'm an ENFJ, by the way. I'm also an Activist and a CO / RI for my Belbin types. Google this stuff if you want to find out what it all means!
EOS - Economics - has been really challenging, but also quite rewarding once you realise you understand one of the crazy graphs Sean Rickard throws at you. It is certainly a different way to explain the world (new to me, anyway). The Neo-Classical paradigm...
SDS is statistics applied to business and there are some overlaps with EOS, which is fortunate for someone who hasn't done a lot of stats before... We'll see how we go with all these regression models!
Marketing has been really interesting and somewhat familiar to me. Lots of information and theory behind it all though...
OSC in its current form is a new (updated?) subject at Cranfield SoM - it deals with the operation of businesses and the supply chain. We have a number of different lecturers for this one, and they all bring their own flavour and experience to the subject! The Donut Model, the Fried Egg and the Four Blobs are some of the models we've learned so far...
If you don't speak a foreing language you must start learning one from term 1. Spanish and French are the most popular ones - but I got dispensation from doing a language since I'm fluent in Portuguese. Muito Obrigado, Brasil!